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 Category >>  Mastering
SaschArt introducing 3LufsMeter - Three Band LUFS Analyzer, a groundbreaking audio plugin that revolutionizes the way you measure and balance loudness in your music productions. Designed to provide unprecedented control and precision, 3LufsMeter offers an innovative approach to LUFS measurement across th
 Category >>  Stereo
High-Quality Sound Processing: Experience pristine audio quality with our advanced algorithms that ensure your sound remains clear and vibrant.Versatile Applications: Perfect for guitars, vocals, synths, and more, eChorus adapts to any genre or style.Creative Control: With seven distinct parameters, you have full control to shape your sound exactly how you envision it. Low record consumption of resources: CPU, RAM and HDD These plugins are related to Echorus sReverb: natural and powerful reverb easyReverb: easy to use and rich free reverb pongDelay
 Category >>  Mastering
This plugin make analyzing per each channel and show the difference of left-right for optimal stereo balancing. Achieve perfect loudness balance and professional-grade audio production with loudnessMeterFree. Key Features: Information Label: Quickly view useful informations. Target Loudness Slider: Effortlessly set your desired loudness target. Target Setting Switch: Easily toggle between integrated, maximum short-term, or maximum momentary LUFS targets. LUFS Value Boxes
 Category >>  Mastering
short-term, momentary, LRA, as well as integrated LUFS on both channels. Additionally, it displays the difference between the two channels for optimal stereo balancing. Achieve perfect loudness balance and professional-grade audio production with loudnessMeter. Key Features: Information Label: Quickly view useful informations. Target Loudness Slider: Effortlessly set your desired loudness target. Target Setting Switch: Easily toggle between integrated, maximum short-term, or maximum momentary LUFS targets. LUFS Value Boxes
 Category >>  Mastering
This advanced functionality allows you to achieve a harmonious balance between groups of instruments, ensuring that they blend seamlessly together in the mix. Customizable Parameters: Tailor the limiting behavior to suit your specific requirements with adjustable threshold, release time, and other parameters. Low CPU Usage: Enjoy smooth performance without compromising on processing power, thanks to efficient algorithm implementation. Applications: Music Production
 Category >>  Mastering
This advanced functionality allows you to achieve a harmonious balance between groups of instruments, ensuring that they blend seamlessly together in the mix. Customizable Parameters: Tailor the limiting behavior to suit your specific requirements with adjustable threshold, release time, and other parameters. Low CPU Usage: Enjoy smooth performance without compromising on processing power, thanks to efficient algorithm implementation. Applications: Music Production
 Category >>  Mastering
Visual peaks area and information about audio sample. cam load wav, ogg and mp3 files. Loop and reverse commands. Pan position and volume out. Visual position playing and playing speed. Host sync and peek normalization buttons - norm button mean peeks normalization Start as parameter - can insert envelope for this parameter. With this you can to start sample playing to a certain point in time.  Few presets containing settings for subliminals. Note that it is necessary to press normalize button for an optimal subliminal level   Requirements
 Category >>  Mastering
tibetan bowls, shamanic drums etc FREE version with no limit time period. Features: Ability to insert VST plugins (tracks) extremely easily. They can be mute or solo. You can open the graphical interface for each plugin where you can change all the parameters.    You can use the presets in the list of each plugin that represents a configuration of settings for the parameters of the plugin intended to produce a certain effect. Envelopes for all parameters of the loaded plugin
 Category >>  Stereo
Features: 8 distinct acoustic spaces: Arena, Cathedral, Hallway, Corridor, Chamber, Metallic Box, Special Fly and Special Explosion. Pan position for mono and for each  stereo  algorithm.  Predelay to to introduce a little delay in reverb sound. Diffuse parameter to get what sound you want.   More than 60 presets with special sounds Tips: Remove donate button: donate minimum 5 euro then insert donate key received by email Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter
 Category >>  Stereo
and at 100% it produces maximum effects when changing. Accent for surface  which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.   Attack and size parameter   Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections. Pan position for mono and for each  stereo  algorithm.  Predelay  to introduce a little delay in reverb sound. Diffuse parameter to get what sound you want
 Category >>  Distortion
DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU        Changelog: 1.01 (2018-10-19)         UPDATE: improved compatibility with some hosts and add Bypass Ceil parameter to iddle the plugin when no audio input
 Category >>  Distortion
DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU        Changelog: 1.01 (2018-10-19)         UPDATE: improved compatibility with some hosts and add Bypass Ceil parameter to iddle the plugin when no audio input
 Category >>  Distortion
1.1 (2023-09-06) UPDATE: improved code and VST3 version added. 1.01 (2018-10-16) UPDATE: improved compatibility with some hosts and add Bypass Ceil parameter to iddle the plugin when no audio input  
 Category >>  Distortion
twinCrusherPro it's a two band distortion with overdrive algorithm and round (antialias) feature.  Two LFOs to modulate all parameters.  Very low resources taken! Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!  Features
 Category >>  Filter
Extremely low resources taken! Features: One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass. Bandwidth and filter mix. ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode. Volume compensation for ADSR with crescendo side to right, left or both. Visualization of modulated parameter value. Presets for uplifting, glissando and bandwidth by octaves. Midi reset button. Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob Requirements
 Category >>  Filter
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click. LFO can work as ADSR child around the position made by ADSR. Volume compensation for ADSR and LFO with crescendo side to right, left or both Visualization of modulated parameter value. Visualization of active modules. Presets for uplifting, glissando, vibrato, tremolo and many others. Free for 60 seconds.  Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value
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