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Sound Therapy specific FAQ

Answers to your questions

How to install the plugins

Unzip the archive downloaded from us. Identify the folder where your DAW scans for VST plugins. Typically this folder is something like C:\Program Files\VST Plugins or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VSTplugins. If you do not know exactly, search your DAW's settings for the folder for VST plugins. If the archive contain both, effect and instrument use only one according to your needs. These are the files that need to be copied:
PluginName.dll => in the folder indicated above for Windows
PluginName_x64.dll => in the folder indicated above for Windows 64 bits
PluginName.vst from MacOS folder within our archive => to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST folder for Apple OSX
PluginName.component from MacOS folder within our archive => to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder for Apple OSX
Then open your DAW and load the plugin. Pay attention, some of the operating systems need a restart.

I installed the plugin but my DAW doesn't see it.

This means that is not in the correct folder, platform do not support or in the case of Apple OSX systems it requires to allow the developer. Read here if you have an Apple OSX system. If you cannot identify the folder for plugins ask the manufacturer Daw. There are many DAW's we can not say what are all those folders. If your DAW it's 64bits maybe don't load 32bits plugins, so use 64bits plugin from our versions.

I bought the plugin, how do I unlock it?

1. Load the plugin into your DAW.
2. Click on Get Unlock Key button from plugin interface if you don't make it yet.
3. Login to your account where will find the unlock key to convert demo version to commercial. Not additional download required.
Now you have two options to unlock the plugin:
a. Download the unlock key file and copy/paste the file in the same folder with the plugin.
b. Paste the unlock key as string on your demo plugin (require writing file permissions on the plugin folder).

Be careful not to insert blank spaces or enter in the unlock key or at the end. The unlock key is valid per PC, be careful not to confuse the PCs if you have more than one. In your account you will find the key for the PC from which you last pressed Get Unlock Key. 
We offer you the possibility to generate the unlock key even our site it's offline. Thus, you are asured in case our company no longer exists or for various reasons our site it's offline.

Do I get a commercial version after purchase?

There is no need to download another program in commercial version. Just unlock the demo version through the procedure above.

I am asked for the unlock key every time I open the plugin.

I successfully unlocked the plugin but on the next opening I am asked again for the unlock key. This means that your Daw cannot write in the folder where the plugin is located. Use the first method of unlocking, so download the unlock key file and copy/paste the file in the same folder with the plugin.

I made a donation of 5 euros but I did not receive the unlocking key.

Check your spam folder. If our email it's not there, this mean your email provider block our email. Please talk with them and report this. You have to explain to them, was your email request, not spam.
Then open this page and make again a request for a donation key.

Cannot open the plugin on new OSX operating system

Please read this page to find how to allow the developer for users of new OSX operating systems from Apple.

Sound Therapy specific FAQ

My archive has an effect version and instrument version. Which I use?

If you use a DAW, try an instrument version for the first time. If it doesn't work, try effect version. There is no rule, it depends by your DAW. For example, Logic Pro does not like effects that do not use audio input, so the instrument version is good for this DAW. Audacity only works with effect plugins for example. Use only one according with your needs, to avoid possible conflicts between versions . There are also two versions for architecture of 32bits and 64bits, use only one of them.

I want to create audio with binaural frequency in crescendo, from 5Hz to 10Hz

You can do this using Automation, feature provided by all DAW's. Activate the automation envelope corresponding to the Binural parameter and set the first point to 5Hz, then on the next point set 10Hz and move it for the desired time.

Can I add more binaural frequencies on a musical background?

Yes, you can add how many plugins do you want to produce more frequencies. This plugins can be loaded on the tracks of your DAW. Also you can to add tracks with music track, one or many.

The plugin seems not to generate sound, what is it to do?

Click play on the DAW transponder. Take care to this points:
- sinusoidal wave is the weakest for ear
- low frequencies are also weak for ear
- laptop speakers and other weak speakers can very slowly play certain frequencies
- check if the signal bar appears on the track or master, if it appears mean the generator is working but is a problem between the track and the sound of your computer.
If it does not solve and the archive has two versions, effect and instrument, change the version and take care to use only one.

Frequencies in presets are found by you ?

NO. The frequencies used are not found by our team. There are specialists in the field who have studied for years the effects of these frequencies on the human psyche. We cannot guarantee but we trust these studies. There are also certified clinical trials that demonstrate the beneficial effect of these frequencies on human health. For example, Dr. Rife has dedicated his entire life to such studies.
The Monroe Institute has also been studying the effect of these types of waves to mental states and even higher states of consciousness for decades.

Some of frequencies are disturbing to the ear, how can I listen them ?

High frequencies above 1000Hz are really disturbing for the ears. Many of the frequencies discovered and used by Dr. Rife are high and can be disturbing. The good news is that is a principle of unison octave that can produce about the same effects to lower frequencies. If we divide the frequency by two or a power of two we obtain a frequency compatible as resonance. We made a calculation page for this: Audio Spectrum Converter

What sample rate do you recommend ?

We recommend 48000Hz. Therapeutic sounds are more demanding, so they should be more than the usual 44100hz used in music.

What is the best format to save therapeutic sounds ?

The .ogg compression format can provide the best results, especially therapeutic sounds can be stored in this format better than .mp3 and .wav.

How do I save my work in audio file?

Depend by your DAW. Each DAW must have export or render. It's necessary to consider that it is a continuous tone generator. You must specify to your DAW what period of time it will have to render. When you use only continuous tone generator plugins in the project, you will have to add at least one empty midi item with a time period equal with the one you want in the exported audio file.

Some of frequencies are disturbing to the ear, how can I listen them ?

High frequencies above 1000Hz are really disturbing for the ears. Many of the frequencies discovered and used by Dr. Rife are high and can be disturbing. The good news is that is a principle of unison octave that can produce about the same effects to lower frequencies. If we divide the frequency by two or a power of two we obtain a frequency compatible as resonance. We made a calculation page for this: Audio Spectrum Converter

I used binaural beats but the result is disharmonious

You can't use any frequencies because they interact with each other. It's necessary to use very well calculated harmonics if you want to sound harmoniously. Use Basic Principles of Wave Synchronization page to find all compatible frequencies using the principle of C-Major scale.

Presets look different from DAW to DAW, why?

The list of presets is created by the DAW, so the position and arrangement depends on the DAW used. See on this page the position for the most important DAW's.
In brainwave entertainment we have to use long titles for presets that unfortunately can exceed the limits of some DAWs, so they will be cuted, this depends on the limitations of the respective DAW.

Are videos and tutorials made about this plugins?

Yes, watch these videos please.

Thanks to Austin videos:
Tutorial - goldenWavesGenerator - binaural beats generator, music therapy, brain wave entertainment
How to make your own Binaural Tones for free - Golden Waves Generator & Audacity
How to make Binaural Tones (Golden Waves) - test binauralGenerator FREE
Tutorial - goldenSynth - binaural golden waves, music therapy, brain wave entertainment
LFOtherapist - How to insert healing frequencies and brain wave entertainment in any audio input

Do you have examples of music being made with these plugins?

Yes, watch these videos please.

Fast Kundalini Awakening with Binaural Shepard Tones technology
Kundalini Awakening with Binaural Shepard Tones technology
Highest mental activity - Golden Waveforms
Reduces stress and anxiety - Golden Waveforms
Universal healing - Golden Waveforms
Earth resonance with Binaural Shepard Tones revolutionary technology
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