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GoldenGenerator - Free

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goldenGenerator it's a binaural/monaural beats generator that works by waveforms based on the golden number. It takes extremely low resources!

Golden and easy way to create healing music

  • Continuous tones generator
  • Four waveforms based on the golden number
  • Few presets with binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection
  • Solfeggio frequencies presets
  • Left-right reverse
  • Binaural and monaural beats selector
  • Fades when the frequencies changes 

  • Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter.
  • Set default value: double click on the knob


DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU


The archive contains the effect and instrument version, use only one according with your needs. There are also two versions for architecture of 32bits and 64bits, use only one of them.

How to Install - instructions page specific for goldenGenerator and EULA.


1.1 (2023-05-09)
  • UPDATE: change values by mouse wheel. VST 3 version was added.
1.05 (2021-04-19)
  • UPDATE: code improved, skin updated
1.02 (2019-04-13)
  • FIXED: LOGIC PRO incompatibility solved
1.01 (2017-02-10)
  • FIXED: some incompatibility solved


The theory behind the waves based on the golden number


The golden number comes from the divine proportion that divides The whole into parts by an ideal ratio, so that every part will reflect the whole. The principle which is at the base of the universe in creates and sustains it.    

Mathematically the entire reported by a part must be equal to the ratio of the two divisions.    


1/a = a/b    

1/a = a/(1-a) 




Divine ratio is a perfect ratio which creates everything


Thus we have obtained an ideal primary division. To keep this perfection we must continue in the same way, the obtained divisions we divide them by the golden ratio. This way you can get a perfect growth and division that maintains the holistic principle: the part in everything and everything in the part. This principle is also used in fractals.     

Mathematically we can write:

It is a growing and an indefinitely dividing formula that can grow infinite keeping the original harmony.      


Non-linear time concept


The symmetrical sinusoid (classic sinusoid) is based on a linear time but the time is non-linear! Golden sinusoid is based on a non-linear time, cyclical with a waveform variations too. So this is the way how we generate the Golden Sinusoid in our generators. Below are the graphical results.


Golden  waveforms 


Golden Triangle Wave:

We start with the triangle golden wave because basis on its we generated the sine wave.   

Golden Triangle WaveForm



Golden Sinusoid:

Using the non-linear time concept, we apply a triangle wave on the time axis and then generate a classical sinusoid. So we got  a divided wave cycle in two perfect divisions through the golden ratio as follows:   

Golden Sinusoid WaveForm



Golden Sine Half: 
Golden Sine Half WaveForm



Golden Square Wave:


In this way we obtained pure, ideal waveforms, with a specific timbre, excellent for binaural beats. You can make a lot of music applications or pure sounds in the therapeutic, psychological or spiritual domain and in electronic music.    


© Copyright


This waveforms were discovered by EmRysRa, all rights regarding such wave shapes and concepts by: golden waveforms, golden sinusoid, golden triangle wave and golden square wave are exclusively reserved by © EmRysRa.

If you wish to use these waveforms for publication or post material that contains notions mentioned above it is absolutely necessary to specify the author's name and if the Internet is a medium for publication must add the website address or

Keywords: monaural, frequencies, binaural, bits, music, selector, golden, fades, goldengenerator, number, waveforms, generator, beats, presets, host, requirements, windows
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Users comments

Frequency of sound that prevent & kills coronavirus

Frequency of sound that prevent & kills coronavirus:

10.5 Hz - Stimulating for the immunity system

528 Hz - It helps your body restore your DNA to its original, healthy state. With repaired DNA, you will feel more energic. Used by genetic scientists to mend DNA/strengthens cell wall to boost immunity. Its one of Solfeggio tones.

780 Hz - Rife frequency to heal Pneumonia

Date: 2020-03-14 by


Very close with nature waves

This waves are very close to nature waves
goldenGenerator - Free
goldenGenerator - Free
goldenGenerator - Free

Date: 2018-01-09 by


Golden waves - the Essential Sound

Golden waves it is far more efficient for therapy according to the newest tests we made.
The symmetrical sinusoid is created by humans, the golden sinusoid is created by God.
In nature, there is no symmetrical sinusoid, at propagation through an environment the waves change shape, the sinusoid is no longer symmetrical. The golden sinusoid approximates ocean waves and seismic waves very well.

Date: 2017-12-20 by


Very cool

Golden sinusoid sounds very interesting!

I have already used it in therapy with great success

Date: 2017-11-20 by


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