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 Category >>  Mastering
Film and Video: Maintain balanced audio levels in film and video projects, enhancing dialogue clarity and overall sound design. Key Features at a Glance: Input gain, attack and release knob. Look ahead to prepare the envelope before the lufs peaks appear. Look ahead feature mean delay on input, use it only on master. Knob to set the size of window meter. Out limit knob to set the maximum output of track Lufs. Graphics of input loudness, envelope after attack and release, output loudness and the attenuation
 Category >>  Mastering
1.0 (2024-03-19) Initial release User Manual: Release knob to correlate with dinamics of track. Out limit knob to set the maximum output of momentary Lufs. Do not expect the maximum momentary lufs to be exactly this value, there is an envelope and the attenuation is in decibels, but an approximative result can be obtained. Simple switching button for four types of tracks based on the dynamics. Information about attack and window meter. Button to lock or reset the data on start playing. Button to reset the data
 Category >>  Mastering
cam load wav, ogg and mp3 files. Loop and reverse commands. Pan position and volume out. Visual position playing and playing speed. Host sync and peek normalization buttons - norm button mean peeks normalization Start as parameter - can insert envelope for this parameter. With this you can to start sample playing to a certain point in time.  Few presets containing settings for subliminals. Note that it is necessary to press normalize button for an optimal subliminal level   Requirements: DAW (VST2 or VST3 host)
 Category >>  Mastering
isochronic beats as well as subliminal messages. Very handy and user friendly, BrainWaveProducer consumes very low resources without compromising the audio quality and sound complexity!  Because it is portable, it is very easy to install and move to another computer.  Envelopes for controlling and modulating all frequencies. Frequencies can also be modulated by using LFOs included in plugins. Complex neuropsychic effects: hemisphere synchronization, controlled mental states, extended states of consciousness. Frequencies pass through all ranges of mental states
 Category >>  Mastering
UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters! Features: Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited. Attack attenuation envelope. This feature make continuous sound and very close to the original line. Release attenuation envelope. This feature improves continuous line of the sound. Stereo link combines attenuation with stereo balance. Left and right attenuation with memory storing
 Category >>  Filter
adsrFilter is a filter with ADSR envelope which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth and filter mix! Extremely low resources taken! Features: One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass. Bandwidth and filter mix. ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode
 Category >>  Filter
adsrFilterPro is a filter with ADSR envelope and LFO which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth, pan position and filter mix! Very low resources taken! Features: One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass Bandwidth, pan position and filter mix ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode One
 Category >>  Stereo
panENV can position the output anywhere from left to right. Use envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay. Extremely low resources taken! Enhance your stereo signal! Features: Pan out from left to right with pan offset. Envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay
 Category >>  Mastering
UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters Features: Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited. Attack attenuation envelope. This feature make continuous sound and very close to the original line. Release attenuation envelope. This feature improves continuous line of the sound. Stereo link combines attenuation with stereo balance. Left and right attenuation with memory storing
 Category >>  Mastering
UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters Features: Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited. Attack attenuation envelope. This feature make continuous sound and very close to the original line. Release attenuation envelope. This feature improves continuous line of the sound. Stereo link combines attenuation with stereo balance. Left and right attenuation with memory storing. Free for 60 seconds

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