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 Category >>  Stereo
High-Quality Sound Processing: Experience pristine audio quality with our advanced algorithms that ensure your sound remains clear and vibrant.Versatile Applications: Perfect for guitars, vocals, synths, and more, eChorus adapts to any genre or style.Creative Control: With seven distinct parameters, you have full control to shape your sound exactly how you envision it. Low record consumption of resources: CPU, RAM and HDD These plugins are related to Echorus sReverb
 Category >>  Stereo
ogg export speed improved. Mac version 1.3 (2021-06-10) UPDATE: code improved 1.2 (2020-11-22) UPDATE: code improved 1.1 (2020-11-06) UPDATE: added binauralSynth and goldenSynth plugins (tracks) * Availability of this features depend by what plugins you bought separately.
 Category >>  Therapy
goldenSynth is a binaural/monaural beats generator which work by waveforms based on golden number. Can receive note input from midi like a synth.  Extremely low resources taken! Golden and easy way to create healing music! This plugin is hybrid: generator and synth  - Synth working by no
 Category >>  Therapy
Extremely low resources taken! On generator mode require playing or recording state to generate beats. Most easy way to create healing music! This plugin is hybrid: generator and synth    - Synth working by note playing if switch button is on synthesizer state, in this case attack and release are available and following note played. Note played change the Base Freq (not Binaural) and the corresponding value is written on head drawing
 Category >>  Therapy
DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU   The archive contains two versions for architecture of 32bits and 64bits, use only one of them according with your needs. The Golden waves was used on our precedent generators like: goldenSynth, binauralTones, isochronicTones and goldenGenerator Changelog: 1.1 (2023-05-12) UPDATE: change values by mouse wheel. VST 3 version was added. 1.04 (2021-06-03) FIXED: hidden GUI problem on LogicPro solved 1.03 (2021-05-27) UPDATED: code improved 1
 Category >>  Therapy
Mathematical is a Triangle wave in a Sine wave (TS). So we got  a divided wave cycle in two perfect divisions through the golden ratio as follows:    This wave was used on our precedent generators like: goldenSynth, binauralTones, isochronicTones and goldenGenerator   Golden Sinusoid SG: On this wave, we apply a sine wave on the time axis and then generate a classical sinusoid. Mathematical is a Sine wave in a Golden sine wave (SG)
 Category >>  Therapy
binauralTones is a binaural beats generator for music therapy and brain wave entrainment which work by carrier and binaural waves. The generator have two LFOs modulators. It takes extremely low resources! Professional way to create healing music Features: Continuous tones generator ...

The most searching words: golden waves, golden waveform, binaural, consciousness, isochronic, isochronictones, brainwave entrainment, resources, requirements, windows, sound therapy, low resources, monaural, audio plugin, vst plugin, golden waveforms, frequency, presets, wave, ping-pong, golden number, stereo, sound, solfeggio, distortion, audio, frequencies, delay, sounds, attack, sync, rate, visualization, envelope, generator, peaks, triplet, release, healing, parameter
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