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 Category >>  Distortion
easyGater64 it's a sequenced gater plugin which modulates the volume of an audio input signal. Very low resources taken! You can now easily increase the dynamics and synchronization of your songs. Features: 64 steps synchronized with the host
 Category >>  Distortion
easyGater it's a sequenced gater plugin which modulates the volume of an audio input signal. Very low resources taken! You can now easily increase the dynamics and synchronization of your songs. Features: 32 steps synchronized with the host
 Category >>  Stereo
Accent for surface  which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.   Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections: Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone, Steps and Reverse Steps. Features: 8 distinct acoustic spaces: Arena, Cathedral, Hallway, Corridor, Chamber, Metallic Box, Special Fly and Special Explosion. Pan position for mono and for each  stereo  algorithm.  Predelay to to introduce a little delay in reverb sound
 Category >>  Stereo
The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.   Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections:  Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone, Steps and Reverse Steps. Features: 60 distinct acoustic spaces from Stadium, Canion, Cave, Forest to Special spaces like Fly, Fireworks, Ratchet and Explosion. Surface selector which imitate the surface of the acoustic spaces. Have 16 options like Smooth, Waves, Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag

The most searching words: golden waves, golden waveform, binaural, consciousness, isochronic, isochronictones, brainwave entrainment, resources, requirements, windows, sound therapy, low resources, monaural, audio plugin, vst plugin, golden waveforms, frequency, presets, wave, ping-pong, golden number, stereo, sound, solfeggio, distortion, audio, frequencies, delay, sounds, attack, sync, rate, visualization, envelope, generator, peaks, triplet, release, healing, parameter
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