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 Category >>  Stereo
SaschArt offers you for free a special audio plugin, very easy-to-use, that offers you a maximum benefits. Whether working on a subtle background effect or a lead part, eChorus offer you every time an amazing sound. This with a low record consumption of resources: CPU, RAM and HDD
 Category >>  Mastering
LUFS Value Boxes: Clearly displays LUFS values for all important parameters. Data Memory Button: Retain data for the next play session. Data Clear Button: Easily reset all data. Audio Input Analysis Mode: Analyze loudness only when audio input is detected, even without playback. What is special: Stereo LUFS Display: Shows LUFS values for left and right channels, and their difference for precise stereo balancing. Multiple Target Comparison: Easy compare your audio against a loudness target for integrated, short-term, or momentary LUFS. It Consumes few Resources
 Category >>  Mastering
Retain data for the next play session. Data Clear Button: Easily reset all data. Audio Input Analysis Mode: Analyze loudness only when audio input is detected, even without playback. Resizable Graphs: Adapt to the entire length of your area for better visualization. What is special: Dynamic Graph Time: Graphs that extend across the entire length of your track, ensuring you capture every detail. In-Graph Information: Display time, integrated LUFS, short-term, momentary, LRA, and integrated LUFS for both channels on the information label for each graph position
 Category >>  Mastering
Theoretically the attack, the window size for measurement and the release are smaller as the dynamics of the track are more pronounced. It is good that the attack is shorter than the release for a quick response. This program reduces the LRA, so it's very useful for loudness balancing especially when there are too big differences between minimum and maximum. Instances on the track support greater attenuation than the master. The attenuation on the master shouldn't affect the rhythmic part. We can't say exactly how much attenuation should be
 Category >>  Mastering
Theoretically the attack, the window size for measurement and the release are smaller as the dynamics of the track are more pronounced. This program reduces the LRA, so it's very useful for loudness balancing especially when there are too big differences between minimum and maximum. Instances on the track support greater attenuation than the master. The attenuation on the master shouldn't affect the rhythmic part. We can't say exactly how much attenuation should be
 Category >>  Therapy
These tones have an unique property: they increase in frequency continuously without ever decreasing. For this reason, the effect on our psyche is very special, it raises and elevates our energies and brain waves like no other sound can do. The function that generates continuously descending frequencies is also important. These types of tones are very useful for hypnosis, psychological regressions
 Category >>  Therapy
These tones have an unique property: they increase in frequency continuously without ever decreasing. For this reason, the effect on our psyche is very special, it raises and elevates our energies and brain waves like no other sound can do. The function that generates continuously descending frequencies is also important. These types of tones are very useful for hypnosis, psychological regressions
 Category >>  Therapy
a new feature in brainwave entrainment. In therapeutic music, frequencies that have a strong correspondence in numerology are used a lot. However, healing and psychic effects are not related so much to numerology, but mainly on the effect of frequencies on us. It is especially important the cumulative effect of applying multiple frequencies on human being. In order to get a positive cumulative effect, it is absolutely necessary that these frequencies be synchronized, otherwise they can produce disruptive effects in our body and psyche
 Category >>  Delay
sweepDelay it's an advanced delay with two resonant filters that are modulated in frequency. Extremely low resources taken! Use sweepDelay if you want your delay to sound special.   Features: Two resonant filters that are modulated in frequency, one on each channel
 Category >>  Delay
reverbs, filters, limiter etc. *  All this with an extremely easy to install, use and very inexpensive with your hardware resources. BrainWaveProducer - minimal DAW but all what you need for Sound Therapy! What's special: Modular software that uses VST technology for audio plugins.  So you can upload only what is needed for each project. It can produce the full range of therapeutic sounds: binaural beats, monaural beats, isochronic beats as well as subliminal messages
 Category >>  Stereo
easyReverb it's an algorithmic reverb with innovative and special algorithms. New features in the reverb world: surface selector, accent for space and surface. Very handy and user friendly
 Category >>  Stereo
sReverb it's an algorithmic reverb with innovative and special algorithms. New features in the reverb world: surface selector, accent for space and surface. Very handy and user friendly, sReverb consumes by far the least resources between reverb plugins without compromising the audio quality
 Category >>  Distortion
Antialiasing button will reduce peaks and other sharp sounds.   Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead. Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob What's special: Foldback with Clipper facility. How look the distorted wave by foldback and clipper: Threshold with Flip Threshold for negative values of wave: Requirements: DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU        Changelog: 1
 Category >>  Distortion
  Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead. Free for 60 seconds.  Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob What's special: Foldback with Clipper facility. How look the distorted wave by foldback and clipper: Threshold with Flip Threshold for negative values of wave: Requirements: DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU        Changelog: 1

The most searching words: presets, memory, dotted, pongdelay, parameters, negative, lfos, pandelay, band, mastering, knob, beats, insert, isochronic, peaks, requirements, compensation, solfeggio, panoscillator, heal, sync, limiting, wave, automation, twincrusher, sharp, sound therapy, sounds, distortion, synth, clean, note, shapes, easylimiter, overdrive, attack, glissando, smoothdelay, crusher, lfodelay
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