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 Category >>  Mastering
ensuring that they blend seamlessly together in the mix. Customizable Parameters: Tailor the limiting behavior to suit your specific requirements with adjustable threshold, release time, and other parameters. Low CPU Usage: Enjoy smooth performance without compromising on processing power, thanks to efficient algorithm implementation. Applications: Music Production: Perfect for mastering engineers, producers, and musicians looking to achieve professional-grade loudness and dynamics in their music. On master
 Category >>  Mastering
ensuring that they blend seamlessly together in the mix. Customizable Parameters: Tailor the limiting behavior to suit your specific requirements with adjustable threshold, release time, and other parameters. Low CPU Usage: Enjoy smooth performance without compromising on processing power, thanks to efficient algorithm implementation. Applications: Music Production: Perfect for mastering engineers, producers, and musicians looking to achieve professional-grade loudness and dynamics in their music. On master
 Category >>  Therapy
high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies. Healing Tones and Solfeggio Frequencies: explore presets tailored for healing and Solfeggio frequencies. Smooth Transitions: experience smooth fading when changing frequencies or volume. Brainwave Detection: show brainwave ranges: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda. Change Frequency Direction: select ascending or descending frequencies directions. Graphical Representation
 Category >>  Therapy
high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies. Healing Tones and Solfeggio Frequencies: explore presets tailored for healing and Solfeggio frequencies. Smooth Transitions: experience smooth fading when changing frequencies or volume. Brainwave Detection: show brainwave ranges: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda. Change Frequency Direction: select ascending or descending frequencies directions. Graphical Representation
 Category >>  Stereo
Very handy and user friendly, easyReverb consumes by far the least resources between reverb plugins without compromising the audio quality!    What's special: Surface selector which imitate the surface of the acoustic spaces. Have 6 options: Smooth, Waves, Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag and Rich Zigzag. Each option have own algorithm.  Accent for space which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected space, at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound
 Category >>  Stereo
Very handy and user friendly, sReverb consumes by far the least resources between reverb plugins without compromising the audio quality! What's special: Surface selector which imitate the surface of the acoustic spaces. Have 16 options like Smooth, Waves, Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag, Rich Zigzag. Each option have own algorithm.  Accent for space which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected space, at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound
 Category >>  Distortion
Two overdrive algorithms and decimator Foldback with Clipper facility (Multiply=0) Threshold with Flip Threshold for negative values of wave The foldback/clipper can be applied before or after overdrive/decimator Pan position for the distorted signal  Round knob make sound smooth and round to avoid aliasing and reduce the peaks. On negative values this knob insert nice harmonics. Antialiasing button will reduce peaks and other sharp sounds.   Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead. Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click
 Category >>  Distortion
high and low frequencies Two overdrive algorithms and decimator Foldback with Clipper facility (Multiply=0) Threshold with Flip Threshold for negative values of wave The foldback/clipper can be applied before or after overdrive/decimator Pan position for each band Round knob make sound smooth and round to avoid aliasing and reduce the peaks. On negative values this knob insert nice harmonics. Antialiasing button will reduce peaks and other sharp sounds.   Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead. Free for 60 seconds.  Tips: Value input from keyboard
 Category >>  Mastering
Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation of high peak that creates problems audition: rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds. Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results: clear and smooth sound high volume with no unwanted sounds continuous sound and very close to the original line EXTREMELY low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters! Features: Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing
 Category >>  Distortion
  Extremely low resources taken! Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!  Features: Two band overdrive distortion for high and low frequencies Gain and drive amount for each band Round knob make sound smooth and round to avoid aliasing and reduce peaks and sharp. On low values this knob insert nice harmonics. Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead and others. Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value
 Category >>  Distortion
  Very low resources taken! Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!  Features: Two band overdrive distortion for high and low frequencies Gain and drive amount for each band Pan position for each band Round knob make sound smooth and round to avoid aliasing and reduce the peaks. On low values this knob insert nice harmonics. Two LFO working synchronously with host or free with start position of oscillating. LFOs can to modulate all parameters.  Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click
 Category >>  Delay
LFO offset is value of modulated parameter. Visualization of modulated parameter value. One filter Lowpass, Highpass or Bandpass. Can set to delay target or out target. Two host sync or free knobs for left and right side. Switching host sync / free with the corresponding values. Smooth transition to changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion. This time mean the minimum time to change delay rate. Smooth knob: useful if modulation or automation on delay rates it uses. Stereo enhanced by pan width. Rich rates with triplet and dotted
 Category >>  Mastering
All what you need for easy mastering. Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation of high peak that creates problems audition: rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds. Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results: clear and smooth sound big volume with no unwanted sounds transparent, continuous sound and very close to the original line very low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters Features: Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing
 Category >>  Delay
SmoothDelay with left and right separate knobs, smooth rate changing. Very low resources taken! Double Delay for best left/right delay control. Features: Two host sync knobs for left and right side. Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion. Smooth knob
 Category >>  Delay
pongDelay 2
Enhanced ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken! Easy delay for nice audio effects. Features: Delay play on alternate left right. Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion. Stereo enhanced by pan delay width
 Category >>  Delay
panDelay 2
panDelay 2 with left and right sides, ping pong, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken! Easy delay for nice audio effects. Features: Delay can play on left side or right side or alternate. Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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