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adsrFilter |
bandwidth and filter mix! Extremely low resources taken!
One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass.
Bandwidth and filter mix.
ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode.
Volume compensation for ADSR with crescendo side to right, left or both.
Visualization of modulated parameter value.
Presets for uplifting, glissando and bandwidth by octaves.
Midi reset button.
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter.
Set default value
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goldenGenerator |
Golden and easy way to create healing music
Continuous tones generator
Four waveforms based on the golden number
Few presets with binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection
Solfeggio frequencies presets
Left-right reverse
Binaural and monaural beats selector
Fades when the frequencies changes
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter.
Set default value: double click on the knob
DAW (VST host)
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adsrFilterPro |
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click.
LFO can work as ADSR child around the position made by ADSR.
Volume compensation for ADSR and LFO with crescendo side to right, left or both
Visualization of modulated parameter value.
Visualization of active modules.
Presets for uplifting, glissando, vibrato, tremolo and many others.
Free for 60 seconds.
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click
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binauralGenerator |
Most easy way to create healing music
Continuous tones generator
Four wave shape selector
Few presets with binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection
Solfeggio frequencies presets
Left-right reverse
Binaural and monaural beats selector
Fade when change the frequencies
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter.
Set default value: double click on the knob
DAW (VST2 or VST3 host)
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panOscillator |
panOscillator make pan position oscillating and enhance your stereo signal. Extremely low resources taken!
Pan out oscillator from left to right.
Host synchronization oscillator.
Pan width for stereo enhanced.
Pan offset to play around
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panENV |
panENV can position the output anywhere from left to right. Use envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay. Extremely low resources taken!
Enhance your stereo signal!
Pan out from left to right with pan offset.
Envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay
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lfoDelay |
LFO reset to back LFO phase to start.
LFO offset is value of modulated parameter.
Visualization of modulated parameter value.
One filter Lowpass, Highpass or Bandpass. Can set to delay target or out target.
Two host sync or free knobs for left and right side. Switching host sync
/ free with the corresponding values.
Smooth transition to changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion. This time mean the minimum time to change delay rate.
Smooth knob: useful if modulation or automation on delay rates it uses
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SLimiterPro |
SLimiterPro - for all audio makers. Output audio limiting with input gain correction, lookahead, attack and release. Show instant and maximum attenuation, RMS statistics and graphic peaks Left-Right values with time detect.
All what you need for easy mastering
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smoothDelay |
SmoothDelay with left and right separate knobs, smooth rate changing. Very low resources taken!
Double Delay for best left/right delay control.
Two host sync knobs for left and right side.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Smooth knob
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pongDelay 2 |
Enhanced ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width
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panDelay 2 |
panDelay 2 with left and right sides, ping pong, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side or alternate.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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SLimiter |
SLimiter - for all audio makers. Output audio limiting with input gain correction, lookahead, attack and release of attenuation. Show instant and maximum attenuation Left-Right values with time detect.
All what you need for easy mastering
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panDelay |
Pan Delay can position anywhere from left to right, smooth rate changing. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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pongDelay |
Ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width.
Rich rates
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