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3LufsMeter |
Educational Use: Ideal for music production courses, helping students understand the importance of loudness and frequency balance in modern music production.
Tips for use:
You can get useful informations by hovering over the knobs with the mouse.
For keyboard input: right-click on the knob, input the value from the keyboard, then press enter
To reset to the default value: double-click on the knob.
DAW (VST2 or VST3 host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST2, VST3 and AU
Elevate your audio production with 3LufsMeter
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loudnessMeterFree |
SaschArt introducing an user friendly audio plugin designed for loudness (LUFS) analysis with a visual interface contain five measuring bars. This plugin make analyzing per each channel and show the difference of left-right for optimal stereo balancing
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loudnessMeter |
ensuring you capture every detail.
In-Graph Information: Display time, integrated LUFS, short-term, momentary, LRA, and integrated LUFS for both channels on the information label for each graph position.
Stereo LUFS Display: Shows LUFS values for left and right channels, and their difference for precise stereo balancing.
Multiple Target Comparison: Easy compare your audio against a loudness target for integrated, short-term, or momentary LUFS.
It Consumes few Resources: Because it is very well optimized, this plugin consumes almost nothing of your CPU
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lufsLimiter |
and per track it shouldn't exceed 4-5dB. Of course, there are exceptions.
When we have graphs and the button 9 in the image below is active, we can get detailed information about the values in the graphs if we hover the mouse to that position.
Auto scroll is enable by default, click right on the scroll to disable. When auto scroll is enable the scroll will follow the loudness curve.
You can discover valuable information by hovering over the knobs with the mouse.
For keyboard input: hover over the knob, right-click, input the value from the keyboard
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lufsLimiterFree |
and per track it shouldn't exceed 4-5dB. Of course, there are exceptions.
It is good that the attack is shorter than the release for a quick response.
You can discover valuable information by hovering over the knobs with the mouse.
For keyboard input: hover over the knob, right-click, input the value from the keyboard, then press enter
To reset to the default value: double-click on the knob.
DAW (VST2 or VST3 host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST2, VST3 and AU
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IsochronicAscension |
There are also two versions for architecture of 32bits and 64bits, use only one of them.
1.0 (2023-10-12)
Initial release
User Manual:
Adjust the value for the isochronic frequency. The isochronic frequency (the difference between left and right) remains constant even though the left and right frequencies are continuously changing.
The lower limit of the frequency range.
The high limit of the frequency range.
Adjust the duration/rate for each cycle.
Slider to change the waveform with graphical wave shape
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BinauralAscension |
There are also two versions for architecture of 32bits and 64bits, use only one of them.
1.0 (2023-09-10)
Initial release
User Manual:
Adjust the value for the binaural frequency. The binaural frequency (the difference between left and right) remains constant even though the left and right frequencies are continuously changing.
The lower limit of the frequency range.
The high limit of the frequency range.
Adjust the duration/rate for each cycle.
Slider to change the waveform with graphical wave shape
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PluginsMonitor |
Advanced Capabilities
This plugin excels in performance, utilizing minimal system resources to scan
your plugins efficiently. It exclusively focuses on plugins, not the DAW's
overall activity. We trust that mainstream DAWs prioritize security and data
Choosing the Right Version
The free version of PluginsMonitor offers the capability to scan one plugin
at a time. For simultaneous scans of multiple plugins, the commercial version is
available. Keep in mind that certain complex plugins, composed of multiple
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PluginsMonitorFree |
A toolbox with buttons for monitoring, auto-monitoring, blocking file reads, blocking file writes or modifications, blocking internet access, blocking registry access, and a statistics button for the plugin.
Log areas colored by activity type.
A context menu that appears when you right-click the mouse.
BrainWaveProducer offers you the easyest way to test your VST2 plugins for malware or malicious activity. Moreover, it's free:
Download the application from https://www.saschart.com/download_brain_wave_producer
Extract the contents of the archive
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binauralBeatsHarmonics |
This equalizer makes an equalization at the level of perception.
This can switch pan for binaural, can center the frequencies and can make off the binaural. Centering frequency mean the base frequency it's on the average between left and right.
Label with number of active tones. If this becomes red, the phase between frequencies it's outside of the synchronization. If you click it, the tones will synchronize in the phase. Synchronization in the phase is done if play button is clicked too. It's only necessary in rare cases
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dualReverseDelay |
reverse and forward.
Unique and original delay.
Two sets of knobs (one per channel) .
Stereo enhanced by offset.
Button to change the direction of delay: reverse and forward.
Toggle Lowpass filter from left to right - nice effect, can balance frequencies on stereo channels.
Toggle direction of delay from
reverse to forward - unique feature on the delay area. This can produce amazing effects
Host sync delay rate and free time rate.
Rich rates: triplet and dotted
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YSampler |
Pan position setting.
Pan alternate - a unique and very useful feature which give you dynamics of stereo to your music. For example, if we set pan position to 90% and activate the alternating pan, the first key played will be 90%
to right and the next 90% to left.
Reverse and loop buttons.
Can be used for drums, pluck, keys, leads and pads.
Free for 60 seconds.
Can upload sfz files with a maximum of three samples. Available directives
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3Sampler |
use YSampler.
Pan position setting.
Pan alternate - a unique and very useful feature which give you dynamics of stereo to your music. For example, if we set pan position to 90% and activate the alternating pan, the first key played will be 90%
to right and the next 90% to left.
Reverse and loop buttons.
Can be used for drums, pluck, keys, leads and pads.
Can upload sfz files with a maximum of three samples. Available directives
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sweepDelay |
Lowpass and highpass
Link for modulation to Pan Width, Feedback, Dry and Wet Mix.
Visual modulation position.
Host sync delay rate.
Rich rates: triplet and dotted.
Auto bypass when no input signal.
Ping pong, delay play on alternate left-right.
Ping pong rates enhanced: normal, triplet and dotted (period between left and right)
Remove donate button: donate minimum 5 euro then insert donate key received by email
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click
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easyGater64 |
You can to lock the steps set as tie so that the decrease of the global time gate does not decrease the time for the tie(link) steps.
You can change the values of the steps globally as time (blue arrows on the left) and as volume (green arrows on the right).
Few presets useful for a few musical genres: Trance, House, Groove.
Free for 60 seconds.
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter.
Set default value: double click on the knob
DAW (VST host)
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oneSample |
BrainWaveProducer (x32 and x64)
1.1 (2023-07-11)
the playback speed was increased to x9.99.
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter.
Set default value: double click on the knob
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