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 Category >>  Mastering
it is used a lot per track and allows greater attenuation. Live Representations: Many times the loudness balance in live performances is very difficult to achieve. Often sound pieces appear with a loudness that is too low and sometimes too high. Because it offers you a live loudness normalizer, it can help you enormously to balance the loudness in a great way. Podcast Production: Ensure consistent loudness levels across episodes, enhancing the listening experience for your audience. Broadcasting: Ideal for radio stations, TV networks
 Category >>  Mastering
it is used a lot per track and allows greater attenuation. Live Representations: Many times the loudness balance in live performances is very difficult to achieve. Often sound pieces appear with a loudness that is too low and sometimes too high. Because it offers you a live loudness normalizer, it can help you enormously to balance the loudness in a great way. lufsLimiterFree cannot offer integrated Lufs information on live, use the commercial version for this. Few presets. Podcast Production: Ensure consistent loudness levels across episodes

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