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 Category >>  Sampler
For example, if we set pan position to 90% and activate the alternating pan, the first key played will be 90% to right and the next 90% to left. Reverse and loop buttons. Can be used for drums, pluck, keys, leads and pads. Free for 60 seconds.  Can upload sfz files with a maximum of three samples. Available directives
 Category >>  Sampler
For example, if we set pan position to 90% and activate the alternating pan, the first key played will be 90% to right and the next 90% to left. Reverse and loop buttons. Can be used for drums, pluck, keys, leads and pads. Can upload sfz files with a maximum of three samples. Available directives
 Category >>  Sampler
epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma, lambda Templates from the full range of therapeutic sounds: binaural beats, monaural beats, isochronic, white and pink noise, nature sounds, atmospheric sounds, tibetan meditation sounds, tibetan bowls, shamanic drums etc FREE version with no limit time period. Features: Ability to insert VST plugins (tracks) extremely easily. They can be mute or solo. You can open the graphical interface for each plugin where you can change all the parameters
 Category >>  Filter
twinPhaser it's a double (left and right channel) phasing effect .  Very low resources taken! Your guitar, leads and drums will sound very original!  Features: Two channel settings for left and right. Frequency, rate, depth, feedback and mix amount for each channel
 Category >>  Distortion
On negative values this knob insert nice harmonics. Antialiasing button will reduce peaks and other sharp sounds.   Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead. Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob What's special: Foldback with Clipper facility. How look the distorted wave by foldback and clipper
 Category >>  Distortion
On negative values this knob insert nice harmonics. Antialiasing button will reduce peaks and other sharp sounds.   Nice presets for guitar, drums, lead. Free for 60 seconds.  Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob What's special: Foldback with Clipper facility
 Category >>  Distortion
twinCrusher it's a two band distortion with overdrive algorithm and round (antialias) feature.  Extremely low resources taken! Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!  Features
 Category >>  Distortion
twinCrusherPro it's a two band distortion with overdrive algorithm and round (antialias) feature.  Two LFOs to modulate all parameters.  Very low resources taken! Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!  Features

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