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panENV |
panENV can position the output anywhere from left to right. Use envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay. Extremely low resources taken!
Enhance your stereo signal!
Pan out from left to right with pan offset.
Envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay
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lfoDelay |
LFO Delay with two LFOs for modulation. One filter on delay target or out target. Low resources taken!
LFO Delay for unique delay effects.
Two LFOs which can modulate: Delay Rate, Dry Mix, Wet Mix, Pan Width, Feedback, Filter Freq, Filter Bandwidth
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SLimiterPro |
rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.
Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:
clear and smooth sound
big volume with no unwanted sounds
transparent, continuous sound and very close to the original line
very low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters
Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited.
Attack attenuation envelope
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smoothDelay |
SmoothDelay with left and right separate knobs, smooth rate changing. Very low resources taken!
Double Delay for best left/right delay control.
Two host sync knobs for left and right side.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Smooth knob
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pongDelay 2 |
Enhanced ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width
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panDelay 2 |
panDelay 2 with left and right sides, ping pong, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side or alternate.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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SLimiter |
rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.
Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:
clear and smooth sound
big volume with no unwanted sounds
continuous sound and very close to the original line
EXTREMELY low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters
Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited.
Attack attenuation envelope
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panDelay |
Pan Delay can position anywhere from left to right, smooth rate changing. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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pongDelay |
Ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width.
Rich rates
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