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panENV |
Pan offset to play around.
Enhance volume in sides for nice effects.
Few envelope shapes.
Persistent envelope after note off.
DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU
1.1 (2016-12-27)
UPDATE: reduced memory consumption
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SLimiterPro |
Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation of high peak that creates problems audition: rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.
Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:
clear and smooth sound
big volume with no unwanted sounds
transparent, continuous sound and very close to the original line
very low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters
Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing
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SLimiter |
Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation of high peak that creates problems audition: rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.
Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:
clear and smooth sound
big volume with no unwanted sounds
continuous sound and very close to the original line
EXTREMELY low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters
Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process
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