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isochronicTones |
Professional way to create healing music
Continuous tones generator
Eight waveforms, classic waves and based on the golden number. You can find here more informations about golden waveforms
Isochronic split based on the golden number
Large frequencies ranges: up to 20000.0Hz base frequency (can set with decimals), isochronic beats up to 512.00Hz
142 presets with most important isochronic frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance
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twinCrusher |
twinCrusher it's a two band distortion with overdrive algorithm and round (antialias) feature. Extremely low resources taken!
Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!
Two band overdrive distortion for high and low frequencies
Gain and drive amount f
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twinCrusherPro |
LFOs to modulate all parameters. Very low resources taken!
Your guitar, drums and leads will sound very cool!
Two band overdrive distortion for high and low frequencies
Gain and drive amount for each band
Pan position for each band
Round knob make sound smooth and round to avoid aliasing and reduce the peaks. On low values this knob insert nice harmonics.
LFO working synchronously with host or free with start position of oscillating
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adsrFilter |
adsrFilter is a filter with ADSR envelope which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth and filter mix! Extremely low resources taken!
One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass.
Bandwidth and filter mix.
ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode
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goldenGenerator |
It takes extremely low resources!
Golden and easy way to create healing music
Continuous tones generator
Four waveforms based on the golden number
Few presets with binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection
Solfeggio frequencies presets
Left-right reverse
Binaural and monaural beats selector
Fades when the frequencies changes
Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click
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adsrFilterPro |
adsrFilterPro is a filter with ADSR envelope and LFO which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth, pan position and filter mix! Very low resources taken!
One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass
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binauralGenerator |
binauralGenerator is a binaural/monaural beats generator which work by frequencies! Extremely low resources taken! Require playing or recording state to generate beats.
Most easy way to create healing music
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modulatedFilter |
modulatedFilter is a modulated filter with one LFO. Can modulate filter frequency, band width and filter mix! Extremely low resources taken!
One filter width lowpass
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lfoDelay |
LFO Delay with two LFOs for modulation. One filter on delay target or out target. Low resources taken!
LFO Delay for unique delay effects.
Two LFOs which can modulate: Delay Rate, Dry Mix, Wet Mix, Pan Width, Feedback, Filter Freq, Filter Bandwidth
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