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Comparison between plugins in the therapy category

  binaural Generator golden Generator LFO therapist binaural Tones isochronic Tones goldenWaves Generator binaural Synth golden Synth binauralBeats Harmonics Binaural Ascension Isochronic Ascension
classic waveform Available   Available Available Available Available Available   Available Available Available
golden waveform   Available Available Available Available Available   Available Available Available Available
all golden           Available          
binaural Available Available   Available   Available Available Available Available Available  
isochronic         Available           Available
tone generator Available Available   Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available
note input             Available Available      
input modulation     Available                
lfo modulation     Available Available Available Available          
multi tones                 Available Available Available
price free free 22 € 30 € 30 € 33 € 33 € 36 € 39 € 39 € 39 €

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